Sunglasses case with cactus

Sunglasses case with cactus


I just can’t wait for summer! So I made a sunglasses case from some scraps, and here are how you can make one too. 🙂

What you’ll need:
Yarn: You will need some yarn, preferrable cotton or similar to that, that will fit a size 4mm/F/G. You do not need much, I used maybe 25 g in brown, and just a little in green. Very nice scrap yarn project in other words. 🙂
Needle: 4mm/F/G
Button. About 1,5cm/0,5 inch in diameter.

Techniques you need to know:
The Crunch Stitch
Tapestry crochet

The Crunch Stitch:
I learned the crunch stitch from this lovely blog.  She has a video to watch if you don’t understand the written steps.

Tapestry crochet:
This is a way to crochet with several colors without them showing up. I decided to use this so that when you open up the case it still looks nice on the inside. I also just learned this technique, and found this blog very helpful.


So to the pattern:
You begin with making a chain of 31.
Then you will follow the steps of The crunch stitch until it measures about 15cm/6inches. (But do not cut the yarn).
Here are the steps, from the blog I mentioned before:

Row 1- Skip 2 ch (counts as 1st hdc), *sl st in next ch, 1 hdc in next ch. Repeat from the * all across. Sl st in next ch. Turn your work.
Row 2- Ch2 (counts as 1st hdc), *sl st in next hdc, 1 hdc in next sl st. Repeat from the * all across. Sl st in turning ch. Turn your work.
(it can be a bit tricky at the end to get in the last stitches, but just try your best. If youre unsure, count the stitches sometimes, it’s supposed to be 30. )
Row 2 until you have reached your desired length.

So to the cactus-pattern: PS, there are more design to choose from here.

Now you will make the flap, that has some pretty cactuses on it. This part is made by tapestry crochet, so be sure to study the link above, or others, before you begin.
Continue with the piece you’ve already made, but now you will make only hdc’s.
Follow the pattern below for the colorchanges. The pattern is upside down since the flap is well, going to «flap» over the body.


So, here is the colorpattern. You start at the 1, and for each round you will turn your work as before. That’s why there is number on both sides. They signalize where you’re supposed to start.
On each round you will also start by making 1 chain. The little brown circle beside the number is that chain.
So the brown dots are the main color, brown, and the green crosses are well, the green color.
On the first round you see there is a diagonall line over the first to stitches. Here you are going to decrease. Just crochet the 2 first st together to one. This is just to make the flap look nicer, and to get the numbers even for the pattern. So after this you have 2 less stitches, that means 28, stitches.
In the last row there is yet another difference. Where the 2 circles are you are going to chain 2, and skip the 2 st’s, and continue with hdc’s in the 3. and so on. This is to make a hole for the button.


When you have finished your square you need to attach all the threads.
Then you can turn you work to the wrong side, and sew up the sides of the Crunch stitch together. Where you made the cactuses and normal hdc’s you will not sew together, since this is the flap to hang over. Then you can turn your work inside out, and attach a button. I attached mine a little under halfway of the front. And voila, you are done!


If you make one I would love to see! Please tag with #katrineklarer on IG if you share there! 🙂 You can also follow me on @katrineklarer 🙂

Please let me know if you have any questions! 🙂

You may sell items made with this pattern (private sale, not coorporate), but do reference me if you put it up for sale in etsy or instagram and so on. 
You can not republish the text and photos on your own blog etc, without referencing me, or asking me first. But you may share it as much as you like, as long as you link back here to me or my instagram. 

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